In English! Cooking Workshop “Millets” – Kochworkshop “Hirse” Saturday 20 July 11:00

English below

Dieser Workshop ist auf Englisch und wird von Himanshu Kapoor angeboten. Es geht um das Kochen von Hirse, eines nicht nur in Indien sondern auch in Baden wohlbekannten Getreides, dass durch seine Trockenresistenz perfekt für Dürre und Klimawandel geeignet ist und außerdem auch sehr gesund ist. Ganz der AgriKultur Tradition folgend nutzen wir einheimische Zutaten für diesen Workshop. Alle weiteren Informationen auf Englisch.

“Being a nutritionist, Himanshu Kapoors mission is to revive and  preserve the ancient food systems. More than a decade back she started working with small holding farmers (growing  millets), to encourage the traditional methods of farming and the processes of post harvesting activities. This led to value addition to the millets, giving it a delicious and global feel, yet maintaining the grandma’s recipes, and creating ready to eat snacks. Himanshu started putting them on the shelf for retail. But soon she realised the need for education and awareness.  Thus she started conducting workshops talking  about the benefits of millets and actually how to cook them.

This will be a hands on cooking session of innovative recipes of millets to bring it on the plate as part of one’s regular meals.  With a focus on celebrating and sharing the food with the community. Therefore we will eat the cooked millet dishes together after cooking.”

Registration required for the workshop, please write to anmeldung ÄT to register yourselves. Only 20 places available in total.

The cooking workshop takes place in the school kitchen (there are signs that will lead you there) on Saturday 20 of July, 11:00